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Our mission is to enable people with disabilities to become fully involved in professional and social life.

prof. Ewa Domagała-Zyśk

Smiling woman with curly hair, glasses and elegant, light blue shirt with a collar.
Ewa Domagała-Zyśk, PhD, Professor at the Catholic University of Lublin - Head of the Department of Special Pedagogy at the Catholic University of Lublin. Conducts research in the field of special educational needs of children and youth, intellectual disability and surdoglottodidactics. She is a co-author of a programme preparing young people with intellectual disabilities to function in the work environment, entitled "I am an adult - I want to work". She has co-authored a programme for preparing young people with intellectual disabilities to function in the working environment, "I am an adult - I want to work", a programme for early childhood education, "I experience - I understand - I know". She has co-authored a programme for preparing young people with intellectual disabilities to function in the work environment titled "I am an adult - I want to work", an early childhood education programme titled "I experience - I understand - I know", a battery of tests to measure socio-emotional development of middle school students TROS-KA and the Polish version of the Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System ABAS-3. Her recent publications include Remote learning and teaching and special educational needs. From the experience of the Covid-19 pandemic (2020) and Let's turn the cameras on. From the experience of remote education in school and university (2021).